Donating fines

A fine is linked to the outcome of a court hearing, which is why it differs from a donation. In certain cases, the prosecution can issue a fine and close the proceedings, with the consent of the court and the accused. The court decides whether the amount is to be paid to the court cashier or to a charitable organisation.


By allocating fines to us, you have the opportunity to support the Sternenbrücke, especially in economically uncertain times, and safeguard the continued and comprehensive respite care for the affected families.


For more information, please see our leaflet "Ihre Geldauflage hilft" (Your fine helps). This leaflet is only available in German; we thank you for your understanding.



If you have any questions, please contact our head of public relations, Nele Dübelt, on +49 40 - 819912758 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.).

In accounting matters Carmen Pauli is available at +49 40 - 81 99 12 26 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.).


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