Monetary donation

You can actively support the work of the Sternenbrücke with a donation. We are delighted about your donations, because every euro helps the Sternenbrücke to be a second home for the affected families. You can transfer your donation or donate online. If you would like to support us in the long term, you an become a member of our association of the friends' association of Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke e.V.


On request, we will of course issue you with a donation receipt. In that case, please mention your full name and address on the remittance slip.


The donations accounts of the Sternenbrücke children's hospice:


  • Hamburger Volksbank | IBAN: DE 65 2019 0003 0019 0991 00 | BIC: GENODEF1HH2
  • Hamburger Sparkasse | IBAN: DE69 2005 0550 1001 3007 87 | BIC: HASPDEHHXXX


If you would like to support us with a donation, please let us know using this form. If you have any questions about making a donation, please contact Ms Heike Hone on +49 40 - 81991211.

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