
The Sternenbrücke children's hospice foundation has been officially registered since 7 September 2001. The work of the children’s hospice is made possible and funded directly thanks to donations to the foundation. The Sternenbrücke children's hospice foundation is a recognised charitable and benevolent institution and can issue donation receipts; it is a member of the charitable organisation Diaconal Work, Hamburg Federal Association, of the German hospice and palliative association and of the German Association for Palliative Medicine.


The main purpose of the foundation is the running of a children’s hospice (palliative nursing establishment) that accommodates and cares for children, adolescents and young adults (up to the age of 27). These young people are in special need of care because of the seriousness of their illness and have no hope of being cured. Some of the young people have a low life expectancy. The aim of the foundation is also to provide accommodation and counselling for their families.


Here you can download the association articles of the Sternenbrücke children’s hospice foundation, which is only available in German. We thank you for your understanding.

Governing board and management of the Sternenbrücke children's hospice foundation

The idea and the wish to set up a children's hospice in northern Germany came true on 7 September 2001, when the Sternenbrücke children's hospice foundation was officially registered. The foundation's governing board is currently made up of Peer Gent (chairperson), Sonja Albers (deputy chairperson) and Christiane Schüddekopf.


Peer Gent

Peer Gent

Chairperson of the foundation

Sonja Albers

Sonja Albers

Deputy chairperson

Christiane Schüddekopf

Christiane Schüddekopf

Board of trustees

The members of the board of trustees advise the governing board of the Sternenbrücke children's hospice on a voluntary basis with their expertise in the areas of medicine, law, church and economy and support it with many challenges in the children's hospice work. In addition to economic issues, they also discuss ethic questions again and again.

Kai Möhrle

Kai Möhrle

Chairperson of the board of trustees, Director of Kai Möhrle property development company mbH & Co. KG

Dr. Isabella Vértes-Schütter

Dr. Isabella Vértes-Schütter

Deputy chairperson, Director of the Ernst-Deutsch-Theater, Hamburg

Dirk Ahrens

Dirk Ahrens

State pastor, ret., Lecturer at the Ev. Fachhochschule am Rauhen Haus

Michael Berndt

Michael Berndt

CFO of the ZEIT Foundation ret.

Dr. Verena Brandt

Dr. Verena Brandt


Lutz Marmor

Lutz Marmor

Director, ret.

Prof. Dr. Michael Schulte-Markwort

Clinic director, child and adolescent psychiatry at Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

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